作者:许渊冲 日期:2018-11-10 08:57:40
《翻译的艺术》全书分总论、通论、专论和附录四个部分,主要收录了1978至1983年间作者在全国外语学刊上发表的20篇论文。在此基础上,通论部分和专论部分各增补了五篇文章。该书以大量的比较翻译的实例阐明了作者关于文学翻译理论的基本观点,是作者多年来从未间断的翻译实践的心得体会和理论提炼。Xu Yuanchong is a famous translator not only in China but abroad, as well as a professor in Peking University. He has been awarded varied prizes for what he has achieved in translation. He spent almost all his life in doing the translation from Chinese to the foreign languages, especially English and French, or English/French to Chinese. The Theory on Translation is on what he summarized his own translation practices.
顾毓琇形容许渊冲为“历代诗、词、曲译成英文,且能押韵自然,功力过人,实为有史以来*。”Professor Xu is the best translator who translated ancient poems,lyrics and songs in English.